

Latest best current affairs for Upsc

Latest best current affairs for Upsc

current affairs 18 april 2021

Q.1. किस राज्य में स्थित तलचर थर्मल पॉवर प्लांट को बंद कर दिया गया है ?

Ans. ओडिशा

Q.2. कहाँ 14 अस्पतालों को 'पूर्ण COVID अस्पताल' घोषित किया गया है ?

Ans. दिल्ली


Q.3. किसने आहार क्रान्ति आन्दोलन' की शुरुआत की है ?

Ans. डॉ हर्षवर्धन सिंह

Q.4. किस पेमेंट बैंक ने 970 मिलियन से अधिक का डिजिटल लेनदेन पुरा किया है ?

Ans. Paytm पेमेंट बैंक

Q.5. हाल ही में संजय चक्रवर्ती का निधन हआ है वे कौन थे ?

Ans. शूटिंग कोच

Q.6. एक करोड़ कोविड वैक्सीन खुराक देने वाला दूसरा राज्य कौन बना है ?

Ans. राजस्थान

Q.7. किसने ब्रह्मकुमारीज की पूर्व प्रमुख राजयोगिनी दादी जानकी की स्मृति में स्मारक डाक टिकिट जारी किया है ?

Ans. एम वेंकैया नायडू

current affairs 18 april 2021

Q.8. भारत का अगला मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त किसे नामित किया गया है ?

Ans. सुशील चंद्रा

Q.9. NCAER की पहली महिला महानिदेशक कौन बनीं हैं ?

Ans. Poonam गुप्ता

Latest best current affairs for Upsc

Q.10. किस राज्य ने कोविड उपचार की नई दरों को तय कर दिया है ?

Ans. छत्तीसगढ़

Bouquet with Knowledge- best current affairs for upsc 

1. The Central Government has recently approved Hafkin Bio Pharmaceutical, located in which city, to make Bharat Biotech covacine ?

Answer - Mumbai

The central government has recently approved Hafkin Bio Pharmaceutical, based in Mumbai city, to make Bharat Biotech's anti-corona vaccine cocaine. At present, this vaccine is being made at Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad. At the same time, the government has approved to take oxygen from the steel project from the east and south areas of the country.

 2. Which state of India has recently got the first floating storage and regasification unit?

Answer- Maharashtra 

The first floating storage and regasification unit has recently been found in the Jaigad Terminal Ratnagiri district of H-Energy in the state of Maharashtra. This will be the first liquefied natural gas terminal to operate throughout the year.

3. Which day is celebrated all over the world on 17 April?

Answer - World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on 17 April worldwide. This day is celebrated every year to spread awareness about haemophilia and other genetic disorders related to bleeding.

4. Which country's home ministry has recently approved the extradition of businessman Nirav Modi to India in the PNB scam?

Answer - Britain

The UK Home Ministry has recently approved the extradition of businessman Nirav Modi to India in the PNB scam. Whereas in the last hearing, the court of Britain had approved to send Nirav to India. Nirav Modi is accused of committing fraud of about 14 thousand crores by taking a loan from PNB.

Latest best current affairs for Upsc

5. Archaeologists of which of the following countries have recently found a 3400 year old gold city buried in sand?

Answer- Egypt

Archaeologists of Egypt have recently found a 3400-year-old gold city buried in lost sand on the west bank of the Nile River in the southern state of Lajjar. After the discovery of the most famous pharaoh of Egypt in the year 1922 i.e. the tomb of King Tutankhamen, it is considered to be the biggest achievement.

 6. Which country has temporarily banned the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to clots in the blood of women?

Answer - US

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration have recently put a temporary moratorium on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because of clots in women's blood. These cases are similar to those reported in the European Union after taking the dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.

7. Which of these countries has recently become the first country in the world to bring legislation for climate change?

 Answer - New Zealand

New Zealand has recently become the first country in the world to introduce legislation for climate change. The law requires banks, insurers and investment managers to report the effects of climate change on their businesses.

Latest best current affairs for Upsc

8. India and which country have recently signed an agreement for cooperation in the "Gaganyaan" mission?

Answer - France

India's ISRO and France's Space Agency have recently signed an agreement for cooperation in India's first manned space mission "Gaganyaan" mission. ISRO has announced support from France's CNES to support the Gaganyaan mission and serve as its sole European partner in this task.

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