

Top Ten Current Affairs On Road Safety

Current Affairs- 

Road Safety

1.National Road Safety Month:18 JAN, 2021 to 17 Feb

In the year 2021, the government has decided to celebrate National Road Safety Month instead of National Road Safety Week. National Road Safety Month will be observed from January 18, 2021 to February 17, 2021 from now on. During this period various programs will be organized across the country in association with organizations of the Central / State Governments / Union Territories Administration, and others. Inaugurated by defense minister

2. Who Start of National Road Safety Campaign:

Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari started the National Road Safety Campaign on 18 January 2021.

3Currently Road Accident Status in India:

  • In India, about 1.5 lakh people die in road accidents every year, while 4.5 lakh people are injured.
  • People who die in these road accidents cause socio-economic loss to our country equal to 3.14 percent of GDP.
  • 70 percent of the people who lost their lives in a road accident fall in the age group of 18-45, meaning 415 people of this age group die daily in India.

4  World Bank recently published its report titled "Traffic Crash Injury and Disability: Burden on Indian Society".

 This report was released by Union Transport Minister, Nitin Gadkari on February 13, 2021

Key Findings of the report

  • The report highlights that, India has only 1 per cent of the world’s vehicles. Even though it accounts for 11 per cent of the global death due to road accidents. It stands highest death toll in the world because of road accident.
  • The world bank report highlighted that the road crash deaths among rural poor households accounts for 44 per cent.
  • While, the road crash death among urban poor households accounts for 11.6 per cent.
  • The report further highlights that, the low-income household spends seven months of its income on post-road crash care.
  • It also states, a high-income household spends less than a month’s salary on the post-road crash care

 5 Campaign launched on Prevention of Human and Animal Mortality on Highways:

On June 5, 2020, the Union minister of Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari launched the United Nations Development Programme campaign called “Prevention of Human and Animal Mortality on highways”. Need India is witnessing 5 lakhs road accidents every year. Out of these 1.5 lakhs lose their lives

6 Motor Vehicles Act: 10% reduction of road accidents in 5 months: 

On March 16, 2020, the Minister of Transport Nithin Gadkari informed Rajya Sabha that there has been 10% decrease in road accidents since the passage of Motors Vehicles Act

7. National Safety Day 2021 : March 4

The National Safety Day 2021 was observed on March 4 in India. This day was observed with the objective of creating awareness among people regarding the safety measures

Haryana police initiative to check accidents on NH 44

In order to create strong deterrent for law breakers, Haryana Police is placing a network of speed checking radars, interceptors, Automatic Number Plate Readers (ANPRs) and CCTV cameras at different locations along with the Highway passing through five districts of Sonipat, Panipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Ambala.
"Under this initiative, Haryana Police has fixed the target of reducing the number of road accidents and number of deaths on the 187-kilometer long stretch of NH 44 passing through Haryana by 33 per cent in the current year," read a statement by the police

9 DRDO develops Fire Detection and Suppression System

The DRDO has developed fire detection and suppression system for passenger buses. The technology can detect fire in buses in less than 30 seconds. Also, it can extinguish the fire in 60 Seconds. Highlights The technology was developed by the Delhi based Centre for fire explosive and environment safety of DRDO

10.  NHAI to collaborate with premier Technical Institutes

The National Highways Authority of India has approached NITs, IITs and other reputed Engineering colleges to stretch National Highways. The institutes have been approached under their Institutional Social Responsibility.