World Sleep Day is celebrated every year on the Friday (19 March) preceding the 'March equinox' . This day is celebrated to highlight the importance of sleep.
Good sleep is necessary for better health, but a survey has revealed that 100 million people worldwide are struggling with the problem of 'sleep apnea'. More than 80 percent of these people are unaware of this disease and even if 30 percent of people sleep, they cannot maintain it regularly.
Establishment of day
Started by the World Madison Association (wss) of Sleep Medicine in the year 2008. On World Sleep Day, the Committee of World Sleep Society is a non-profit organization based in the United States. The purpose of which is how to prevent sleep deprivation or sleeplessness. WSS tells that if we follow some rules, by getting good sleep, the world can get rid of the diseases caused by sleep.
Sleep apnea problem:
Today is World Sleep Day. The purpose of celebrating this day is to tell people the importance of sleep and to overcome the lack of sleep. A research has revealed that 20.3 percent of patients in India ask doctors to prescribe sleeping pills. This thing or thing can be estimated by how much sleep is lacking in people. Good sleep is essential for better health, but a survey has revealed that 100 million people worldwide are struggling with sleep apnea.More than 80 percent of these people are unaware of this disease and even 30 percent of people sleep, then they are not able to make it regular.
Sleep is still not a priority:
70 percent of the respondents felt the need for good sleep, but this is not included in their priority. 65 percent of people in India believe that more exercise than sleep is necessary for fitness, while physicians believe that it is necessary to get six to eight hours of sleep per day.
The younger generation (aged 18 to 24) thinks differently about sleep. These youngsters are less likely to have a sleep schedule, yet they get more sleep every night i.e. 7.2 hours of sleep. In comparison, people over 25 years of age sleep only 6.9 hours. They also feel more guilt for not adopting a good sleeping habit (35 percent compared to 26 percent over the age of 35).