Major organizations of the world and their headquarters - Knowledge Bouquet
1. Red Cross - Geneva
2. Interpol - Paris (Lions)
3. Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Manila
4. World Wildlife Conservation Fund (WWF) - Gland (Switzerland)
5. NATO - Brussels
6. International Court of Justice - The Hague
7. UNICEF - New York
8. SAARC - Kathmandu
9. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) - Nairobi
10. GATT - Geneva
11. World Trade Organization (WTO) - Geneva
12. Organization of American States (OAS) - Washington DC
13. Arab League - Cairo
14. Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) - Mass.
15. World Council of Churches (WCC) - Geneva Switzerland.
16. European Energy Commission (EEC) - Geneva
17. African Economic Commission (ECA) - Addis-Ababa
18. European Free Trade Association (ECTA) - Geneva
19. United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) - Geneva
20. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Vienna
21. Western Asia Economic Commission (ECWA) - Baghdad
22. United Nations Trade and Development Conference (UNCTAD) - Geneva
23. Amnesty International - London
24. International Olympic Committee (IOC) - Lausanne
25. European Common Market (ECM) - Geneva
26. Commonwealth Head of State Conference (CHOGM) - Stransburg
27. Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) - Vienna
28. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Paris
29. European Atomic Energy Community (EURATON) - Brussels
30. Commonwealth (Commonwealth) - London
31. European Economic Community (EEC) - Geneva
32. European Parliament - Luxembourg
33. European Space Research Organization (ESRO) - Paris
34. International Labor Organization (ILO) - Geneva
35. Economic and Social Commission of Asia and Pacific - Bangkok
36. Organization of African Unity (OAU) - Addis-Ababa
37. UNESCO - Paris
38. World Bank - Washington DC
39. International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Washington DC
40. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Rome